Services for Children

A Better Way - Holistic Therapy has over 20 years of experience with CAMHS services helping parents manage children's behaviour difficulties, mental health concerns, sleep problems, sensory and sexuality issues. Direct 1:1 therapy treatments are also available for young people.

Our mission is to support all the family around the child including parents, step parents, siblings, grandparents and the extended family to achieve the best relationship possible with the child.

We believe that happy children stem from happy families and that the best way to support families is to provide professional, non judgmental support and advice in a way that all family members can access.

A Better Way aims to offer support via information and advice on the website, workshops and presentations, 1:1 consultation in person or by video link (Facetime/Skype).

A Better Way is able to assess and provide a range of therapeutic treatment programmes for children's emotional, physical and behavioural needs, including: 

  • Managing challenging behaviour
  • De-escalation techniques
  • Attachment issues
  • Assessing sensory issues
  • Assessment and advice regarding toileting problems
  • Sleep difficulties assessment and treatment plans
  • Understanding self harm
  • Eating difficulties
  • Sexuality and developmental issues
  • Help with loss and bereavement
  • Advice with communication issues and tools to help
  • Epilepsy awareness
  • Autism and treatment care planning
  • ADHD
  • Prada Willi Syndrome
  • Retts Syndrome
  • Fragile X Syndrome
  • Angelman Syndrome
  • Williams Syndrome

In addition we can provide individual directchild work or parent/professional group work around the following packages:

Just Stop and Think - Helping children plan to improve their own behaviour. For children of a cognitive age of 6-12 years. By Fiona Wallace.

Think Good Feel Good - A CBT based package to help children make sense of their thoughts and feelings and how this effects their behaviour. For children  with a cognitive age of at least 7 years. By Paul Stallard.

Dealing With Feelings - Helping children with social and emotional development. For children with a cognitive age of 7-14 years. By Tina Rae. 

123 Magic - A three step programme that addresses difficult behaviour via controlling difficult behaviour, encouraging good behaviour and strengthening the parent/child relationship. For children with a cognitive age of 2-12 years. By Thomas Phelan.

Living Sensationally - Sensory programme giving insight into how individual sensory patterns in children affect the way that they respond to everything that happens to them throughout the day. The programme covers assessment and treatment options within the school or home environment. For children and adults with Autism. By Winnie Dunn.

The Incredible Years - Trouble shooting guide for parents of children with a cognitive age of 3 - 8 years. By Carolyn Webster-Stratton.

Helping Your Child to Sleep - a five session programme aimed at improving children's sleep problems via assessment, evidenced-based sleep information, stimulus control (strengthening the relationship between the bedroom and sleep),CBTapproaches for anxiety and relaxation. For adults and children. By Maureen Tomeny and Kevin Morgan.

Helping Your Child to Become Continent -  Package for parents encouraging toilet training for children with Autism and other developmental issues. By Maria Wheeler.

NLP for Children and Teens - See NLP page for further details.

Services for Adults

Individual assessment, planning and evaluating care for adults with a learning disability using Positive Behaviour Support approaches.

Positive Behaviour Support - Positive behaviour support approaches have become established in the UK as the preferred approach when working with people with learning disabilities who display behaviours perceived as challenging.

Challenging behaviour can lead to self-harm or injury of others, and may cause a delay in access to ordinary community services and facilities. For this reason, challenging behaviour, if not addressed, can lead to social exclusion and difficulties in realising self centred planning.

PBS recognises challenging behaviour as an unmet need and aims to see the person at the heart of care planning, upholding their rights in a respectful way. PBS uses functional behaviour analysis to understand behaviour and put in place short term and long term strategies to minimise harm and increase the persons life skills .